Jobs Portal

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As Physiotherapist
  1. As Core Team Physiotherapist
  2. As Distance Physiotherapist
  3. As Home Service Physiotherapist
  4. As a Patient Facilitator Therapist
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As Nutritionist / Dietitian
  1. As Core Team Nutritionist
  2. As Distance Clinical Nutritionist
  3. As Online Service Provider Nutritionist
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As Prosthetic and Orthotic Specialist
  1. As Core Team P&O
  2. As Distance Clinical P&O
  3. As Online Service Provider P&O
As Other Health Care Provider
  1. Core Team Medical Practitioner
  2. Online Consultant Medical Practitioner 
  3. Fitness Instructor
  4. Yoga Instructor
  5. Alternative Medicine Consultation 
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As Speech & Language Therapist
  1. As Core Team Speech therapist
  2. As Distance Speech Therapist
  3. As Online Speech Therapy Service Provider
  4. As Home Service Provider Speech Therpaist
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As Certification Course Provider
  1. Physiotherapy Certification Course Provider
  2. Nutrition Certification Course Provider
  3. Other Health Care Certification Course Provider
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As Hand's On workshop or Webinar Provider
  1. Consultant Physiotherapist 
  2. Consultant Nutritionist
  3. Consultant Speech therapist
  4. Specialized Health Care Provider
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As Facilitator (For Students only)
  1. As Event Organizer
  2. As Representative
  3. As Patient Facilitator
  4. As Content Writer
  5. As Volunteer  
  6. As Training Member
All the Posts are Subject to terms and conditions and will be purely on share basis unless mentioned in the agreement

Not Sure What You Need?

Simply give us a call and book an appointment for yourself. We are here to help. Walk into our clinic and let us take a closer look to suggest the best treatment you need.